MacDonald, Lee H.

Monitoring guidelines to evaluate effects of forestry activities on streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska - Seattle : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991 - 166 p. - (EPA/910/9-91-001) .

"These guidelines were developed for Region 10, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ... under EPA Assistance No. CX-816032-01-0 with the Center for Streamside Studies in Forestry, Fisheries & Wildlife, College of Forest Resources/College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington." Portada

Legal context of water quality monitoring efforts -- Structure of a water quality monitoring project -- Relevance of statistics to water quality monitoring -- Designated uses of water -- Forest harvest -- Road building and maintenance -- Forest fertilization -- Application of herbicides and pesticides -- Grazing -- Developed recreation/rural populations -- Placer mining/sand and gravel extraction -- Hardrock mining -- Wildfire and prescribed burning -- Physical and chemical constituents -- Changes in flow -- Sediment -- Channel characteristics -- Riparian monitoring -- Aquatic organisms.
